
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Iceage - 'The Holding Hand'

Iceage - 'The Holding Hand'

There is a curious mixture of strain and surrender in ‘The Holding Hand’ by Iceage. I say “curious” because I respond to it in a way that I can’t quite categorise or shape into words. I can only feel it. I can feel it and repeat it and that is enough.

Out now on Mexican Summer.

Director & DP: Anders Malmberg

Adrianne Lenker - 'Forwards Beckon Rebound'

Adrianne Lenker - 'Forwards Beckon Rebound'

Walter Van Beirendonck AW21 ‘FUTURE PROOF’ Collection + Drawings

Walter Van Beirendonck AW21 ‘FUTURE PROOF’ Collection + Drawings