Kate Shilonosova, a.k.a. Kate NV, is from Moscow, but her poppy sound and visual sensibility is soaked in Japanese culture. Exhibit A: this video for “вас YOU”, which shows the artist reciting a poem (by Kandisnky?) while performing a subtle, mime-like choreography. Also: the song is about a man with no ears or eyeballs.
A man sits in / A narrow ring / A narrow ring / Of Thinness / He is in control / He has no ear / And doesn’t have his eyeballs / He cannot find / What’s left behind / Of red sounds of the sun ball / Whatever falls/ Stands up again / And what was dumb / It sings a song / Until the man / Who has no ear / And doesn’t have his eyeballs / Will start to find / Signs left begind / Of red sounds of the sun bal /l na na na na naaa na na naaa na na naaa na na na
(c) Erik Panov.