
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Kate Tempest - People’s Faces (Pareidolia)

Kate Tempest - People’s Faces (Pareidolia)

Pareidolia is a psychological term for the human tendency to see meaning in random patterns, especially faces. The video for Kate Tempest’s heartfelt song of hope - “People’s Faces” - is a simple collection of objects that seem to be looking out at the world with their own expression. It’s a bit silly, compared to the song’s lyricism, which gives the video an odd feel. But even though we already posted the Streatham version of this song, not posting this original, sparse but wide-open Rick Rubin-produced anthem would be a lot sillier, really. What a song. What a poet. What a time we are living in.

From ‘The Book Of Traps and Lessons’.

Out now.

Antwerp Fashion Department To Host Online Graduation 'WWWSHOWWW'

Antwerp Fashion Department To Host Online Graduation 'WWWSHOWWW'

Be Transported by Kelsey Lu - HYDROHARMONIA (Episode 1)

Be Transported by Kelsey Lu - HYDROHARMONIA (Episode 1)