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Finally! Radio Soulwax is kicking off.

We've had this one under our hats since last Wednesday, but those Fucking Dewaele Brothers asked us to keep it under wraps until last Friday. But then Friday I had to do some serious shopping (not hats) so that's why I'm only posting it now. I know it's all over everything by now, but it's still worth the plug.


24 hours of themed mixtapes, with every second of it accompanied by visuals based on the cover art of the records being played.

The first mix is 'Introversy': all intros, all the time. If you think you've heard that one before, you're right. This is the original version they handed to the BBC Rob Da Bank show in 2009.


Take it away press release:

" RADIO SOULWAX has been over 2 & half years in development and will launch on July 4th 2011 with six separate themed hours of audio & accompanying visual animation. It has evolved and morphed from a simple original idea to a full multi–sensory media experience. Do not be confused or put off by the use of the term 'Radio' here as music is but one side to this experience. Together with the projects artistic director Fergus Purcell they have also created a unique accompanying visual channel to boot, which would be just as much Music TV as it is radio - if such a thing still existed in 2011. The visuals you will see here are crafted, inspired and lovingly animated using the imagery from the sleeves of the very records that shape each and every thematic hour in the 24-hour mix. At times the visuals themselves have even driven, informed and helped re-imagine the audio parts you'll hear simultaneously. It is an integral part of the unique charm of RADIO SOULWAX and one which is often the hardest to get across – This isn't just nostalgia for music boffins!  Here, fans of animation, comedy, art or even god forbid, seventies sleeve nudity may well be tickled too. Musical train-spotters will also be in heaven! But here, each and every one of these painstakingly produced hours is fun, different and geared to trigger individual reactions unique to the viewer, listener, consumer etc. As technology has advanced and social networking has continued to take over the planet, Soulwax's loyal fan base; that go out to see them DJ & perform month after month, year after year have become a closer, tighter, more interactive community. Their message boards bustle with activity, nostalgia, excitement and the exchange of experience and content. RADIO SOULWAX is fun, chaotic and best of all - it is free. Due to copyright & publishing legalities - the content of the mixes broadcast cannot and will never be sold, which considering the time, money and love spent personally developing this project is utterly unique in itself, especially during this new age of the music industry. Together they have curated from the depths of their own tastes and imagination, explored sonically and visually to willingly bring an experience to anyone and everyone with an open mind. Not every hour will necessarily be to your tastes but that is also part of its beauty. In addition to the live online feed - Radio Soulwax will be available to stream and download via a fully interactive iPhone/iPad/Android application. This can be downloaded from the Apple App store for iPad & iPhone & Google App store for Android from Monday onwards and will allow users greater freedom to listen away from the broadcast schedule online."