EYE CANDY SMÖRGASBORD : A CALL TO ARMS TO LOVE, LIVE AND SLEEP TOGETHER feat. Lily Cole for playboy, MGMT "The Youth" and the new underground. — KNOTORYUS


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EYE CANDY SMÖRGASBORD : A CALL TO ARMS TO LOVE, LIVE AND SLEEP TOGETHER feat. Lily Cole for playboy, MGMT "The Youth" and the new underground.

EYE CANDY SMÖRGASBORD : A CALL TO ARMS TO LOVE, LIVE AND SLEEP TOGETHER feat. Lily Cole for playboy, MGMT "The Youth" and the new underground.

mgmtyouth.png The youth is starting to change.

Are you starting to change?

The new video for MGMT's track "The Youth" is a parabel of youth and change. A bunch of kids are executing a nice, friendly choreography routine when one of them breaks out and introduces them to a new style. At first, he is rejected and urged to get back into the mold. Then, after a second stint on the dance floor, his new style is accepted and absorbed by the group.

It starts out pretty, then it gets weird, then it gets awkward, then you realise this might be the best thing ever. Enjoy your trip, watch the new MGMT in HQ here. (Directed by Tim & Eric)

youth.png More colourful dancing: [youtube VnHCAzlftsU nolink]

The video for London's fashion darling DavidDavid S/S09 has the kind of choreography you would expect from a Miss World talent show, but it's pretty (entertaining) and set to Santogold's "I'm a Lady", so I'm posting it.

Oh, I'm sorry, did you get here googling for Lily Cole's pics for Playboy? Let's get on with it, then.



All this free love and dancing fits in quite nicely with the "drop out and start your own mythology" trend that's so hard to avoid these days. Everywhere you turn, people seem to be embracing both the colours and the dark side of the hippie-underground. MGMT are the most visible torch-bearers of this, but there are other cases in point worthy of your attention.

Take Jimmy Joe Roche, for example. He's taking peyote to the museum and hoping you'll join him on the other side.

Get hypnotised by the art of Jimmy Joe Roche.


[youtube uUUXEDK8-z8 nolink]

Or: listen to Mirror Mirror and take part in their survey: are you picking up the pieces?


If you answered "NO" to any of the above, maybe the less cult-like but very listen-worthy Mythical Beast is more for you. They're not signed yet, but I like 'em.


Now that your mind is cracked open somewhat, you might be ready for another interesting cultural phenomenon: a fresh mutation in hip-hop culture called "Sissy Rap"or "Sissy Bounce".


It all started with one cross-dressing MC in the nineties, and grew to a whole scene of fierce & fabulous gay hip hop nights in the underground clubs of New Orleans.

XLR8r posted a great article + DRE SKULL mix of the best tracks a while ago.

No matter how many 'trendwachting' merit badges you've glued to your nice office suit, you could NEVER have predicted stuff like this. The hip hop culture, for all its diversity and willingness to adapt and incorporate all kinds of genres, always skirted round the gay culture. But now the hardest New Orleans kids are dancing to MC's with names like "Sissy Nobby".

Now go back to that MGMT video earlier. See how I nicely circled back to that?

That's some serious postin' right here.