How To Prepare For Beyoncé's #lemonade — KNOTORYUS


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How To Prepare For Beyoncé's #lemonade

How To Prepare For Beyoncé's #lemonade

If you're still reeling from the news that Prince has left us, you can come sit with us. This is just not okay, and won't be for a very long time.

In between dancing/belting/feeling the feels sessions to the iconic musical legacy of everyone's fave's fave, there is one thing you can look forward to: #LEMONADESEASON approaches. This is what you need to know and how to get yourself together for tomorrow.

What's the T? Beyoncé is releasing a new video/visual album/musical/Carmen: a Hip Hopera Reimagination called ‘Lemonade', which is said to have been shot over 50 days in Louisiana starting in November 2015, employing 300 people. Modern lore has it that the finished product will only be delivered to HBO the day of the premiere.

Early Beyhive intelligence appointed FKA Twigs, Kendrick Lamar and Flying Lotus collaborator Kahlil Joseph to be the director of 'Project Lemonade' way back in February, but we all know Blue Ivy DOP'ed, directed and mastered this thing. Since the Formation Tour starts next week, it will most likely contain new tracks or will be an entire album but this should not be depended upon. It will air at 9PM (New York Time) April 23rd on HBO, which is conveniently allowing for a free preview weekend. If you’re outside of U.S. and consequently HBO territory like us however, without breaking the law, you’ll be more like: "Someone is going to Periscope this, right?"

What is lemonade? Clinical studies have shown that lemonade should be some sort of aqueous, lemon-infused beverage but how can that still be after this weekend? What brave new definition are we gearing up for? What new pronunciation? Will it be a staccato 'lemo-lemo-lemonade' or a howling ‘lemonaaaaaade’? Or will the word not even be mentioned?

How do I get in shape? Try to text a friend as many casket and crying-face emoji as you can in one minute. Try again. More can fit!

What else? Cancel your wedding, cancel your water birth, cancel your cancelled dinner plans just to be sure. “Where were you when Beyonc-“ BEHIND MY LAPTOP WITH EDGES LAIDT BIH.

There’s more? You've clocked Winnie Harlow in the extended trailer. Keep an eye on her likes. DM her elementary school pastor to see if he had any premonitions around her. Winnie knows!

Should I bring a purse? Always have your Beyonsavings ready.

Basically, just feel blessed you’re alive to embark on yet another era and try to find some centre of chill when the hurricane strikes. And when you see me on Sunday - well actually you won't because I'll be mimicking choreo in tears.

Images:, Beyoncé's InstagramTumblr

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