Listen to the Showstudio 'Kali' Fashion Mix — KNOTORYUS


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Listen to the Showstudio 'Kali' Fashion Mix

Listen to the Showstudio 'Kali' Fashion Mix

(Image by Slim Aarons)

If you're not following the excellent Showstudio 'Fashion' mix series yet, you'll... Well, let's be honest, you'll be allright. Let's not set another 'I need this, it will make my life better' trap for ourselves, shall we? Ain't nobody got spiritual credit for that. However, setting long term goals to eliminate superficial desires aside for a moment, the new upload of their 'Kali' fashion mix is the perfect seductive, soothing soundtrack for anyone installing their christmas tree next to a shimmering outdoor pool.

Press play to consume generous helpings of Brazil-nuggets, Brigitte Bardot and Bootsie Collins.

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