Prodigious Antwerp-based fashion designer Nacy Francis leaves it all on the line, one empowering look at a time. Known for her bold, oversized fits and raw, architectural silhouettes, she artfully mixes personal legacy with a music video fantasy edge.
From designing for stars like Chris Brown and Aya Nakamura to her credentials in theatre with Dalilla Hermans, Nacy’s work cuts through the noise with confidence and realness.
On this episode, Nacy joins Dominique Nzeyimana in the loft to discuss transforming hardship into art, how hip-hop icons shaped her style and how her intuitive approach fuels her career. She unpacks the role of ancestral guidance, resilience and what it felt like being the talk-of-the-town(s) during fashion month.
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Chris Brown wearing Nacy Francis
© Wim Van de Genachte
© Nacy Francis
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