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Xylouris White - "Tree Song"

Greek bard Georgios Xylouris and veteran drummer Jim White (Bonnie Prince Billy, PJ Harvey, etc.) create transformative music, the kind of tunes that beat against the shores of this earthly existence, filled with a longing that doesn’t even need to be defined. I read somewhere that Xylouris is sometimes so entranced by his music, he’s been known to perform for 18 hours straight. The duo’s 2018 LP “Mother” was something of a phenomenon in certain circles, although I must admit I wasn’t part of them. This “Tree Song” was the first I heard of them, but it did immediately stop me in my tracks with its plaintive voice, a ballad belted out at a crackling campfire in the desert while thick, oozing darkness is being poured over the surrounding landscape.

Looking forward to the album: "The Sisypheans", out November, 2019 on Drag City Records.

A fine and handsome soldier / Searched for a home and village in which to live / He found neither home nor village / But to a tree, a little Cyprus tree / Allow me, tree, to stay in your shade. / Said the tree / Here are my roots, tie your horse to them, / Here are my branches, hang your weapons from them, / Here is my shade, lie down and sleep well, / And when you rise, bring me three urns of water to quench my thirst.