Listen to Louisahhh - A Trap I’ve Built (EP) — KNOTORYUS


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Listen to Louisahhh - A Trap I’ve Built (EP)

Listen to Louisahhh - A Trap I’ve Built (EP)

(Image up top (c) Marilyn Clark)

After the demise of Bromance, Louisahhh found a home for her murky, Nine-Inch-Nails-influenced brand of beats on "RAAR", a label she co-founded with Maelstrom. Her newest EP 'A Trap I've Built' is a twisted pleasure, a purposely dark piece of music about... well.. as the artist herself puts it:

"Wading through murky themes of rape culture, addiction, masochism and deprivation, whatever isn't explicitly lyricised bleeds through in a sonic ambush. It is my intention that listening to these songs, or djing them, should be an experience that leaves the audience a little shaken up, something they can feel in their teeth. I hope that "A Trap I've Built" is delighted in because (not in spite) of the fact that it is upsetting."

@raarraar - Out Dec 1st 2017 Spotify: iTunes: A Trap I’ve Built is an intentionally brutal body of work. Wading through murky themes of rape culture, addiction, masochism and deprivation, whatever isn't explicitly lyricised bleeds through in a sonic ambush. It is my intention that listening to these songs, or djing them, should be an experience that leaves the audience a little shaken up, something they can feel in their teeth. I hope that "A Trap I've Built" is delighted in because (not in spite) of the fact that it is upsetting.

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